Moscow hosted New Generation Experts Segment
of the 2024 MNC
New Generation Experts Segment of the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference (MNC), organised by the Primakov Centre and the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS), took place on 21−22 April. About 40 young researchers from 18 countries gathered in Moscow to discuss nuclear nonproliferation and peaceful uses of the atom, as well as to answer the main question of whether nuclear arms control has a future.
The Moscow Nonproliferation Conference (MNC) is one of the leading international discussion platforms on topical issues of nuclear nonproliferation, arms control and peaceful uses of atomic energy, held in Moscow every 30 months. Since 2022, the CENESS and the Primakov Center jointly organise New Generation Experts Segment of the MNC, involving young specialists in discussions on topical nuclear non-proliferation issues.
In 2024, the Youth Section took place for the second time and brought together researchers from Latin America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. The work programme began with the participation of new generation experts in the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference. On the margins of the MNC, Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, met with them and shared advice on how to develop a career in the nuclear field.

New Generation Experts Segment of the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference opened on 22 April. Anton Khlopkov, Director of theCenter for Energy and Security Studies, and Viktoria Karsliyeva, Executive Director of the Primakov Centre, welcomed the participants. The speakers wished fruitful discussions and expressed their hope for further cooperation with young researchers within the framework of other projects of the Centres.
The Forum began with a session on the prospects for nuclear weapons in new, currently non-nuclear countries. Participants discussed what the nuclear club list might look like by 2050 and what measures should be taken to prevent its expansion.

In the next session, the young researchers presented their vision for the future of the Middle East. In particular, they discussed what needs to be done to make the region a nuclear-weapon-free zone. Despite differing views on this issue, participants concluded that the conflict in Gaza will have a profound impact on the fate of the Middle East region.

Prospects for nuclear arms control was the topic of the third session. Among the factors influencing them, participants noted the increasing position of NACs in the world and the rapid development of new technologies that need to be taken into account when reviewing the arms control system.

The final topic raised during New Generation Experts Segment was the role of small modular reactors (SMRs) in the nuclear power of the future. Participants discussed separately the measures that the global community can take to utilise SMRs to counter climate change.
New Generation Experts Segment ended with an excursion to the Russian Foreign Ministry’s House of Reception. It was in this building in 1963 that negotiations were held and the Agreement on banning nuclear weapons testing in three environments was initialled.
These days in Moscow, Russian and foreign experts, both renowned and those just starting out, have been talking a great deal about the future of arms control. Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Ryabkov raised the same topic during negotiations with representatives of a number of international organisations. It seems that as long as there are such talks and dialogue, there is still hope for the future of the regime. All participants of New Generation Experts Segment agreed with it.