
The Primakov Center for Foreign Policy Cooperation is conducting a contest of scientific analytical papers dedicated to Russian-Syrian relations.

The Primakov Center for Foreign Policy Cooperation is conducting a contest of scientific analytical papers dedicated to Russian-Syrian relations. 

The purpose of the contest is to stimulate a dialogue between young experts from Russia and Syria. 

Who can take part?

Potential participants should meet the following criteria at the time of submitting their applications for the contest:

– should be enrolled in baccalaureate, masters or PhD programs;

– fall into 18 to 30 age bracket;

– be professionally fluent in the English or Arabic languages (at or above В2 level).

– be citizens of Russia or Syria

How to enroll?

– fill out the application on the Primakov Center web site;

– Include an essay on one of the topics listed below (up to 10 000 letters):

– Political cooperation;

– Economic cooperation;

- Cultural cooperation (education, science, etc.)

- Essays can be submitted in Russian or Arabic.

Only original essays that have not been published before can be submitted for the contest. Essays that do not meet the announced theme of the contest will not be admitted.

Main essay evaluation criteria:

– Relevance of the subject matter and the correctly formulated research goals;

– Degree of originality, absence of plagiarism;

– Depth of analysis and full subject coverage;

– Grammatically correct and well styled text;

– Skilled essay structuring;

– Use of relevant sources of information and use of scientific literature and accurate source citation;

– The quality, logic and validity of conclusions.

Non-original essays will be disqualified

Text formatting should be in font Times New Roman, size 14 with 1.5 line spacing. The title should be preceded by the author’s name. Text should be divided into sections and contain section titles. The document should also include a brief summary with key words.

Contest winners

Five contest winners from Russia will be able to participate in the final conference in Damascus, Syria that will take place on December 12-18, 2022 and present their papers to their Syrian colleagues.

Five contest winners from Syria will be invited to the final conference in Damascus as well, while in March – April 2023 they will be able to participate in a meeting of experts on the Middle Eastern problems that the Primakov Center will organize in Moscow.

Contest winners from Russia will have their round trip for the conference in Damascus including accommodation paid for. Contest winners from Syria will have their round trip and accommodation during the Spring 2023 meeting in Moscow paid for as well.

 Project deadlines

Application deadline is November 13, 2022.

The deadline for announcing the contest winners is November 20, 2022.

Final conference of winners will take place on December 12 to 18, 2022. 
2022-10-28 00:51