
The second day of the International Conference Middle Eastern Studies in Eurasia comes to an end

The Primakov Center hosted the final day of the International Conference called Middle Eastern Studies in Eurasia. During the two sessions, participants discussed the need to create a common educational and research space, as well as promising topics for joint research.

The working day began with a panel discussion devoted to the development of partnerships between research centers in Eurasia. Experts from MGIMO of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after Boris Yeltsin, and the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts spoke about the training of scholars in Oriental studies and international programs implemented at the universities.

During the discussion, the participants unanimously noted that cooperation between the centers is underdeveloped, despite the mutual desire to develop contacts. In particular, Vladimir Morozov, PhD in History, Vice-Rector for Human Resources Policy of MGIMO, called for intensifying ties between the universities, for example, on the basis of the MGIMO Center for Middle Eastern Studies, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year.

The second session raised a point of preserving and developing the common scientific space. David Hovhannisyan, PhD in Philology, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Director of the Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies at Yerevan State University, thus noted that language continues to be a factor contributing to the rapprochement of experts from Eurasian countries,

“What unites us? First of all, the Russian language, which forms a common research and educational field. We also share a common culture, which allows us to understand each other on an even deeper level.”

For his part, Nuriddin Sultanmuratov, Deputy Dean on Research Activities and International Affairs at the Departmnet of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, drew attention to the lack of research on Middle East issues,

“Our main problem today is content creation. In recent years Kazakhstan allocated large funds for the development of science and research, and you cannot find many of it when it comes to the Middle East.”

This was followed by a presentation of the journal named Arabistica Eurasia led by Vitaly Subich, Scientific Editor of the Publication, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies, African Studies and Islamic Studies at the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. He spoke about the mission of the journal and issues raised by it, as well as discussed the possibility of publishing the works of Arabists from other countries.

At the end of the conference, the organizers thanked the participants for their interest in the development of cooperation and proposed to hold a similar event for young orientalists from Eurasia. In addition, they summarized the proposals for the implementation of joint projects in the Eurasian space.
2023-10-21 00:22