
The Primakov Center took part in organizing expert meetings on nuclear issues

The Primakov Center and the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS) organized a series of expert and youth meetings on topical nuclear issues in the context of Russia’s chairmanship in the P5.

In August 2023, the chairmanship in the P5, an informal group of nuclear states according to the NPT, was passed to Russia. In January-July 2024, in the framework of the P5 Young Professionals Network (YPN), which brings together young representatives of non-governmental organizations and academic structures from the P5 states, online and in-person meetings were held under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meetings were coordinated by the Primakov Center and the CENESS.

The CENESS also initiated a N5/P5 Expert Dialogue (Expert Level Track) that brought together prominent experts, researchers and former officials from the P5 states to regularly exchange views on topical nuclear issues.

The youth and expert tracks covered key nuclear nonproliferation issues, including challenges to the NPT regime, IAEA activities and collective measures to risk reduction.

The in-person meetings in Bishkek (the Kyrgyz Republic) and Glion (Switzerland) were of particular significance. They concluded the series of events on these tracks during Russia’s chairmanship of the P5.

China will become the next chair in the P5 in August this year.