
The 5th Youth Session of the Primakov Readings is officially launching in Moscow

On June 28 the 5th Youth Session of the Primakov Readings is officially launching in Moscow. The general topic of the event this year will be “Global Security: Looking for Dialogue Opportunities”.#nbsp;

Young scientists from Russia, FSU and beyond will get together to take part in the Youth Session. Within the business program, the participants will get the opportunity to present the results of their research dedicated to the most topical issues of the contemporary international agenda.#nbsp;

The leading Russian experts will speak during the panels of the Youth Session, amongst them are:#nbsp;#nbsp;

  • Feodor Voitolovsky, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. of Sciences (Politics), Director of the IMEMO;
  • Stanislav Zhukov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. of Sciences (Economics), Deputy Director of the IMEMO;
  • Konstantin Bogdanov, Cand.of Sciences (Technology), Senior Researcher at the Center for International Security, IMEMO;
  • Ivan Danilin, Cand.of Sciences (Politics), Head of the Department of Science and Innovation, IMEMO;
  • Zaur Mamedyarov, Cand.of Sciences (Economics), Head of the Section of Science and Innovation, IMEMO;
  • Stanislav Pritchin, Cand.of Sciences (History), Senior Researcher at the Center for Post-Soviet Studies, IMEMO;
  • Ivan Safranchuk, Cand.of Sciences (Politics), Director of the Center of Euro-Asian Studies, Institute for International Studies, MGIMO University.

The Youth Session is held by the Primakov Center for International Cooperation along with the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the IMEMO and supported by the Russian Presidential Grants Foundation.
2022-06-28 00:55